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  • I can't find the product I am looking for.
    Currently we are still adding on more products to the website.Do contact us if you are unable to find the models/accessories of the brands we carry as not all models/accessories are listed in our website.
  • What payment mode is accepted.
    We accept Cash,Paynow or Paylah.
  • Can I view the product before purchasing?
    Please feel free to contact us if you need more info on the product.We are more than willing to provide a no obligation demo and recommendation based on your requirements.
  • What time is the operating hours?
    We are flexible in the operating hours as we know production is always 24/7 going on.Just give us a buzz and we will try to accomodate your visiting timing.
  • After Sales/Serivce Support
    Being in this field for 20 over years,we understand the frustration of users when equipments broke down,and the long turn around repair time with the production still going on.Rest assured we are here to help.Just send the faulty item to us,and we will take care of the rest.We will try our very best to provide a loan set while the set is under repair.

Mediaware Systems Pte Ltd

Blk 65 Ubi Road 1

Oxley Bizhub

#03-93(Lobby 4) 

Singapore 408729

Co.Registration : 202017651D

GST Registration : 202017651D

Email :

Contact No. 66809768

Mobile No.   97342717(Wang)



Nearest MRT Station : Tai Seng

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